Warm greetings from โ๏ธ Umbrella Joan โ๏ธ We're also on Facebook and Twitter.
Save with UmbrellaJoan Bundles
Classic 48-inch Umbrella Frame, 3-pack
Classic 48-inch Umbrella kit: 3-Pack of frames, one pattern, 60-days online video access
Just For Kids, Umbrella Frames, 7-pack, all colors with pattern
Just for Dolls, Umbrella Frame, 3-pack, with pattern
Umbrella & Parasol Frames
Summerset Parasol, 35-inch Frame, 8 wood rib tips
Summerset Parasol, 35-inch Frame, 8 silvertone rib tips
Georgia Parasol, 35-inch Frame, wood shaft, 10 ribs
Classic 48-inch Umbrella Frame
Just For Kids, Umbrella Frame, one color
Just for Dolls, Umbrella Frame
Finished Fashion Umbrellas
Fashion accessory umbrella, ready to ship, subject to availability
Fashion accessory umbrella, with lace & buttons
Fashion accessory umbrella, made-to-order
Fashion accessory umbrella, made-to-order, complex pattern
Umbrella & Parasol Patterns
Summerset Parasol Pattern, for our 35-inch Summerset Parasol Frames
Georgia Parasol Pattern, for our 35-inch frame
Classic Umbrella-Joanโข 48-inch Pattern
Classic 48-inch Umbrella Pattern plus 60-day access to matching video
Just for Kids & Just for Dolls, Umbrella Patterns Combo
Just for Kids, Umbrella Pattern